the end of 2016

hii everyone. sekian lama tak buka blog. today bukak jugak. i've been through hard time this year. i hope next year will be better. idk how to say, im really disappointed with myself lately. the reason is i keep repeated the same mistakes. the old mistakes. i'm so fuckin stressful with myself. aku tahu aku tak boleh go. but still buat. so what the points? make yourself feel so stupid right? i've been crying all night long. still tak boleh terima orang tipu kau?  idk what happen to me. so hard to forgive and to sensitive. all i need someone who loved me. a perfect relationship. bukan family orang yang aku sayang takleh terima aku, bukan aku jealous but i need his love. bukan you guys protect dia tak bagi both we us together. sbb terlampau pendam jadi fikir macam macam. and mungkin jugak sbb aku dah serik. what that i need a guy who puts me in first place. hmm everything messed up. i need a better sleep. supaya tak fikir pape. there's a lot i want to type. but im so sleepy. goodnight everyone!